Get to know us

We started as a small idea, looking to the commercial sector as an opportunity to promote more eco-conscious and sustainable practices. It has since grown into a fully-fledged movement, where we can come together as a community to support and share products we love that leave a smaller footprint and focus on sustainable ingredients, whole foods, and by trusted companies.

Our mission

Our mission is to raise awareness among consumers about the potential positive environmental impact that being an informed pet product consumer can have. It is crucial more than ever for us to understand that our purchasing choices can contribute to small but significant steps towards a more sustainable future. By voting with our dollar, we can support and encourage companies and businesses that prioritize eco-friendly practices and ethical sourcing of their ingredients and materials for their products. This can be something as small as opting for products made from recycled materials, supporting brands that use renewable energy in their manufacturing processes, and choosing products that are biodegradable or compostable. Additionally, we can promote sustainable pet ownership by adopting from shelters or rescues, as well as by investing in eco-friendly pet accessories such as biodegradable poop bags or natural fiber toys. Together, we can harness that power of the collective consumer community and can make a positive difference in the pet products industry.

Jason Buffington

Founder / Animal Enthusiast